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Holiday camp information




Our holiday camps core hours are 9.30am until 4.30am. 

We also offer flexi-time which means you can drop off anytime from 8.30am and pick up any time before 5.30pm. 


The week long camps cost £36 a day or £160 for the week. if paid 2 weeks before camp starts. 

There is a 10% discount for additional siblings. 


For an extra £7 a day you can drop off anytime between 8.30 and 9.30 and pick up between 4.30 and 5.30. You don't have to book this in advance but if you could let us know the day before camp we can make sure we have enough staff in, especially if it is a day when we are going into the forest. You can pay for flexi-time on the day. 

What your child needs

The children need to bring a snack, drink and lunch with them each day.

Please make sure that they wear clothes that are comfortable, suitable for sports and can get dirty.

A spare pair of shoes and a change of clothes is useful as in the winter they can get very muddy and in the summer, very wet, as our highlight of the week is the water games and water slide. Suncream and a hat are needed in the summer too if it's very hot. 


You can book online at

You can pay by:

BACS,  Allsportskids business account sort code 09 01 28 account number 39542167,

Confirmation of booking

We will send you an email in confirmation of your booking. 

We will then email out more information about the camps the week before, once we have checked the weather forecast. 

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